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In 2014 I started with one of the most beautiful journeys of my life: being a mother.

Being able to get pregnant took longer than I thought, in fact it was a great challenge individually and as a couple. That moment of discomfort in my life made me start looking more intensely for personal growth tools to find answers. I read many books, took coaching sessions, attended workshops, and all combined helped me become aware that I am the creator of my life, of greater self-knowledge and I acquired tools such as emotion management, acceptance, and forgiveness to create miracles. All of this gave me the basis for my awakening of conscience, opening myself up to motherhood and feeling worthy of it. So without being born, Sara and Camila helped me grow, and now walking with them has made me grow even more.

Being a mother made me aware of our childhood, realizing that society and parents, because of the way they educated us, make us grow in the opposite sense of our authentic being, with mental limitations on money, health, relationships, and life purpose. I do not teach powerful tools is they are all within each and every one of us. That is why I have a commitment to my daughters and children to provide them with tools so that they grow up knowing how wonderful they are, ruling their minds, and loving themselves.



Lifecoaching niños: Acerca de
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